E-L 10-21, P 10-19 @ Solaris

lamp BLISTER NOMAD by Tarmo Luisk

Only available on website.

 267.00 281.00

Tegemist on tänapäeval ühe levinuma pakenditüübi e. blisterist inspireeritud valgusti perekonnaga, mis lahendab lihtsalt ja mugavalt ära enamuse elementaarseid v. miks ka mitte nõudlikke valgustamise funktsioone.
Mittetänapäevaselt ei ole toode mõeldud lühiajaliseks kasutamiseks; materjalid on vastupidavad, taaskasutatvad ja
valgusallikaks pika elueaga ja säästlikud LEDid. Ka on kõik detailid asendatavad!
Mugavuse huvides paikneb valgusti lüliti otse valgustil ja kaitseraam-jalg-seinakinnitus-kaablirull toimib ka pikendusjuhtmena. Seal samas on ka 230V pistik erinevate seadmete (mobiil, arvuti, jms) ühendamiseks.


Materjal: pulbervärvitud metall ja vaakumvormitud plast.

Mõõdud: A4 (210×297) , A3 (297×420)




Blister Lamps can be used in a big variety of locations – on the wall, on the ceiling and on the floor.They are inspired from the most wide-spread type of packaging – blister-inspired lamp collection, that cares for even the most demanding functions of lamps in a simple and comfortable way. Unlike many other contemporary products, these lamps are not meant for a short-term use, but the opposite – the materials are durable, reusable and use longlasting and energy-saving LED lamps. All the details are replaceable!n addition to original version, there is a particulary mobile and robust version called Blister-Nomad, which has an additional protecting frame, foot-and wall-positioning possibility and a cable roll. Also, this version can be used as an extension cord. For the comfort reasons, the switch is placed directly on the lamp and there is also a 230V plug-in for various devices (cell phone, laptop etc.) The target market for the lamp is very wide.

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